Phone: +61 418 735 325

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Range Manager is a comprehensive computerized solution for managing golf ball dispensing. It includes both user-friendly hardware attached to ball dispensing machines and a complete software administration and management system. 

The software is Cloud-based, which means that it can be accessed from any computer with an internet browser rather than being confined to a computer at the Club or Driving Range. 

The software settings can manage the dispenser's behaviour such as pricing, bucket sizes, payment options including vouchers, and credit card payment at the dispenser. It also provides full control over the user experience through control over all aspects of screen presentation and user work-flow. 

Additionally, Range Manager can manage the accounts of members and guests and transfer charges and payments to external accounting systems such as Club Membership systems. Range Manager maintains a record of all members and their dispenser account transactions, acting as a mini membership database. The software manages categories of users, members, and guests, allowing for any number of categories, each with different billing rates. 

Range Manager manages Products such as Small, Medium, and Large buckets of balls and their pricing. The dispensing rates and availability of products can be varied by day of the week, time of day, date range and user Category. You may wish to stop dispensing large buckets of balls earlier than medium buckets, and both earlier than small buckets for example. This allows staff more opportunity to close on time if so required. 

The dispenser can also be set to lock at nominated times and come back to life on a time schedule, again variable by day of the week and date range.

So as you can see, it’s a pretty flexible system that puts you in control, and you can manage it wherever you have access to an Internet browser.

Range Manager can run Promotions. Buy 20 Large Buckets and we’ll give you 2 Medium buckets and 3 Small buckets for free for example. The structure of promotions is managed by you and you can create as many different promotional offerings as required.  The system then tracks the usage of the various bucket sizes and knows what has been used and what is available for use. If a bucket size within a promotion has been fully used and is therefore no longer available, it is no longer presented for selection at the dispenser. Multiple promotions can operate simultaneously, and any number can be established within the software.

Returning guests can be set as Members, or in the case of a Range associated with a membership-based Golf Club, the system can integrate with existing membership data. Members can add funds to their account if you operate on the basis of a reducing credit balance, so the member is spending from their own prepaid funds. The system can operate in debit where it allows charging to account and you then invoice for the amount used… the method (credit or debit) is controlled by you within the software, and can be varied by Category if required.

Account top-up deposits can be given a bonus Uplift, which is an additional credit that is applied as an incentive to encourage people to top up their accounts. The Uplift can vary based on the value of the top-up or deposit to the account. The uplift can be a percentage of the top-up or a fixed amount, and can vary based on the value of the top-up or deposit to the account. Less than $100 might attract a 10% uplift while more might attract a 15% uplift for example.

Members and guests can be identified at the dispenser in various ways. They can swipe a membership card, use an RFID card or keytag, use their member number and a PIN, use a voucher and enter the voucher number, or scan a QR code. 

Purchases can also be made directly from the dispenser via Credit Card processing using a PayWave device and supports ApplePay and AndroidPay. 

Members can also be give a number of free dispenses per day if required. For example you might give members their first bucket of the day for free, but they pay for buckets thereafter. The number of free dispenbses per day is a setting that you control.

Equally, you might give all buckets to members for free, and only charge non-member guests. That’s all available and simply a matter of setup within  the software options.

Corporate days or Societies can be given a single voucher code that can be used for a time period, so all players from the group have access to as many dispenses as they require from the single code.

Vouchers can also be produced on demand and are priced according to the Category of player for which the voucher is being produced. Lesson vouchers or Staff vouchers can be produced at no charge for example, but still provide a voucher number that will be recognized at the dispenser. That recognition also tells the dispenser what size bucket to dispense. As soon as it is used a voucher becomes disabled, unless of a type that allows multiple dispenses.

Voucher expiry can be controlled by Category also. A guest voucher might expire today, while a member voucher might remain active for a week, or may never expire.  Again, fully under your control.

Vouchers can be printed, or sent to the guest via SMS or email if preferred.

The reporting module within Range Manager will report on claimed versus unclaimed vouchers, together with expired versus unexpired vouchers. This can also be limited to a specific date range if required.

Vouchers can be printed in bulk. If there are 5 lessons booked for the day and you choose to give each guest a small bucket to warm up pre-lesson, then 5 unique vouchers can be printed in a single multi-print run.

All vouchers and reports are time and date stamped and include the Club or Range logo. In fact their design and layout is largely user configurable.

On a slightly more technical level, Range Manager software talks to specific hardware on the dispenser. We provide a keypad with LCD display and a controller located inside the dispenser, or alternately a full colour touch screen display, and then options of a magnetic card reader, RFID reader, QR reader, PayWave device, or other RFID readers dependant upon the format of RFID card or tag to be read. Importantly we can configure the hardware to read your existing membership ID method, keeping ID and access control seamless.

We can also supply member cards, RFID cards or keytags, both generic and branded, offering a one-stop solution.

The final hardware configuration is varied to suit your specific needs, so we remain flexible in this regard also.

Where Range Manager is to talk to an external membership, accounts or Point of Sale system, we offer an integration service that is designed specifically for this purpose. We’ll happily liaise with the developers of the 3rd party system to assist in putting an integration layer in place, providing them with detailed API documentation.

Often a 3rd party system will have its own methods to allow data to pass to and from its database, in which case we’ll be happy to quote to have Range Manager talk to such programming interface.

Data can be imported into Range Manager when setting the system up, thereby removing the need to manually input all member details. We will be pleased to provide guidance on the supply of data to us in Excel (or compatible) format.

Remote monitoring of dispensers can trigger email alerts to nominated email addresses if the dispenser goes offline for any reason. The Internet connection to the controller within each dispenser is constantly being monitored, maximising business-as-usual status.

Range Manager reporting is excellent, providing both summary and detailed reports over nominated date ranges for transactions, vouchers, account balances etc..  Member lists, debtor lists, contact and email lists are included.  Many reports can be exported, allowing them to be imported into Excel or other spreadsheet formats.  Heat map reporting provides a visual display of peaks and troughs in frequency of use by day of the week and time of day, by product size if required, and again over your nominated date range.

Reports can be scheduled to automatically generate and send to nominated recipients by email.  The frequency of scheduled reports is also variable, so some may be daily while others may be weekly for example.

The features in Range Manager have been heavily influenced by the input of users of the system and their requests for specific behavior of the system. We aim to keep it at the forefront of the niche that is serves, to add requested features flexibly so they’ll exceed requirements and expectations. We actively encourage feature discussion and requests that keep Range Manager ahead of the game, and ensures that it is not only fit for purpose, but is also best of breed.

We’d be pleased to discuss your requirements and the benefits that Range Manager has to offer your driving range facilities. Please feel free to get in touch with us.  Click here for contact details.